Jenkins Sponsor Appreciation

The Jenkins project would like to take a moment and share deep gratitude to our sponsors. Sponsorship of the Jenkins project is key to the maintenance and development of Jenkins. There are different ways in which our sponsor organizations support the Jenkins project, such as infrastructure, necessary development tools, funding, and providing mirrors to connect Jenkins to the community.
For supporting Jenkins distribution, build, test, and deployment infrastructure, we would like to thank JFrog, AWS, Oracle, DigitalOcean, Datadog, Docker, PagerDuty, Fasty, GitHub and OSU Open Source Labs.
We also want to recognize and thank GitHub, JFrog, Atlassian, Linux Foundation, Netlify, and 1Password for providing tools to track Jenkins development.
Massive thanks to Algolia for providing site search for the primary Jenkins documentation and plugins sites.
We also want to share deep gratitude for operational funding from CD Foundation, CloudBees, AWS, and DigitalOcean. Without funding, the community would have less opportunities to work on and develop Jenkins.
Finally, we want to thank the various organizations that host mirrors for Jenkins worldwide distribution. Thank you to OSU Open Source Labs, XMission, Tsinghua University, Yamagata University, Gruenehoelle NL, Belgian Education and Research Network, and RWTH Aachen University.
2022 has been a fantastic year for the Jenkins project, and it would not be possible without all of the support from our sponsors and community!